WOD #913
Warm up 2 round of 10 Front squat 10 Push press 10 Scapular activation Skill cluster 21-15-9-3 Thruster 40/30 30/20 Pull up Burpees jump over Cap.18’ target 15’ Lunedi 800m run 20 burpees jump over the box 50 box jump 800m run
WOD #912
Warm Up Mobility Front Squat From Ground Every 2:00 6-6-4-4-2-2 70/75/80% 5 RFT 15 Hang Sq. Clean 50/35 40/30 30/25 15 Burpees Lateral Cap 15 VENERDÌ 10 Rounds Of: 250 mt row/200 mt ski/400 mt bike/200 mt run 10 Double DB Burpees
WOD #911
Shoulder Mobility Core Activation Skill: TTB (Oppure E2MOM 5/7 Strict Knee To Chest + 30″Hollow) AMRAP 10:00 3-6-9… TTB 10 BBJO GIOVEDÌ 5 Sets Of: 1:00 Max Cal 1:00 Max Burpees 1:00 Max Am Swing 1:00 Max Box Jump 1:00 Rest
WOD #910
Warm Up Shoulder Mobility E2MOM 10:00 6-6-4-4-2-2 Shoulder Press From Ground AMRAP 12:00 20 Shoulder Press 35/25 30/20 30 DU 20 Wall Ball 9/6 30 DU MERCOLEDÌ E3MOM × 10 sets 400 mt Run 10 Burpees
WOD #907
wu Emom 6’ 1 – 15 plate GTOH 2 – 15 plate OHS 3 – 10 Muscle snatch e.b. Emom 8’ (carico tecnico) Primo minuto 1 santch DL 2 power Snatch 3 squat snatch Secondo minuto 3 hang power snatch 3 power snatch 21-15-9 Db snatch 25/20 20/15 15/10 Burpees box step up VEN attrezzatura […]
WOD #906
w.u. Tabata 1 – Easy burpees 2 – air suat plate Emom 10’ 4 Back squat from the ground 60/45 50/35 40/25 6 air squat 5 RFT 5 BMU 5C2B 5Pullup (valido elastico) 7 TTB 9 PullUp 11 weighted lunges GIOV attrezzature 5 bike w.u. Amrap 4’ 30 skip 20 touch to shoulder 10 easy […]
WOD #905
w.u. 3′ shoulder and hip mobility Amrap 3′ easy peace 10 goblet squat 10 push press 2arm 3x amrap 7’ 12 american swing 6 burpees 12 C&J 6 burpees 24/20 20/16 16/8 2’ rest TABATA Russian sit up plate Russian twist plate MERC attrezzature 5 skierg w.u. Emom 14’ 1 – 10 box jump over […]
WOD #904
w.u. 4 round 10 shoulder press e.b. 10 DL e.b. 20 t2s Emom 12’ 1 – 10 db z press + Max rep push up 2 – 8 DL + max rep renegade row 3 – rest DL 80/60 60/50 50/35 Db 20/15 15/10 10/5 Amrap 12’ 30 DU 20 db cluster 10 dip parallette
WOD #903
w.u. Amrap 6’ easy peace 5 muscle clean 5 shoulder press 10 Jumping Jack e2mom 12’ 6 C&J 60/45 50/35 40/25 12 KB taters 24/20 20/16 16/8 Go until 10 2 (+2) power clean 70/50 50/35 40/25 2 DX 2 SX (+2) KB snatch 2 (+2) box jump Caption 14’ LUN attrezzature 5 vogatori w.u. […]
WOD #902
Wu 4 round 5 up dog- down dog 5 scapular activation 5+5 extrarotation with band Ft 10 bmu/15 strict c2b/strict pull up Then 5 rft 10 pull up 20 push up 30 sit up 40 air squat Cap. 23′ Venerdì 5rft 200mt run 12 box jump over 200mt run 9 burpees box jump over Every […]